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Internet dating Safety recommendations: 5 approaches to Spot a Scammer

An email from Brenda Guardado, mind of client experience

Locating a date that is good to be near the top of my “things I dread” list, immediately after speaking in public and queuing during the bank. Therefore, whenever apps like Coffee Meets Bagel came onto the scene, I became beyond relieved. I did son’t need certainly to regular loud bars, or you will need to replicate that rom-com scene where the girl bumps right into a hunk at a supermarket while the 99-cent-oranges show goes flying. But while finding a good date got easier, so did coming across a less savory type: scammers. Now because the mind of client experience at Coffee Meets Bagel, I’ve heard the stories that are happily-ever-after the I-fell-for-a-scam stories. Weiterlesen