therefore he went along to the city of Nahor. And then he made the camels kneel straight straight down outside of the city because of the fine into the night, at that time whenever females head out to attract water. He then stated, “O Jehovah, the Jesus of my master Abraham, provide me personally, we pray thee, success to-day, and show kindness to my master Abraham. right Here i will be standing by the springtime of water, as well as the daughters for the males associated with the city are arriving off to draw water. Might that young girl to whom i will say, ‘Please let down your water-jar that i might drink’; and who answers, ‘Drink and I also may also water your camels,’ may she function as the one thou hast chosen for thy servant Isaac. By this that thou shall be known by me hast shown kindness to my master.”
Then also before he had been through talking, Rebekah, who had been the grand-daughter of Nahor, Abraham’s cousin, arrived on the scene along with her water-jar upon her neck. She ended up being really gorgeous and unmarried. She took place to your springtime, filled her container, and arrived up. Then your servant went to meet up her and stated, “Please I would ike to take in a water that is little your container.” She responded, “Drink, sir,” and quickly allow straight down her water-jar from her neck upon her hand and offered him a glass or two.
Him a drink she stated, “we will draw water for the camels additionally, until they’ve completed consuming. whenever she had completed giving” therefore she quickly emptied her container in to the trough and went once more to your fine to attract water, and received for many their camels. Weiterlesen